It’s one of the first questions we ask when we meet someone new. The answer to this question gives a glimpse into who we are or, sometimes, even brings to mind unwanted stereotypes. And all too often, the answer comes with an insinuated (or explicitly stated!) level of disappointment or frustration.
“I work for Company X in their corporate office. It’s a job.”
“I work for Company X as a programmer. It’s fine for now.”
“I work for Company X as a project manager. I hate it.”
What if the people who work in your office had a different answer to that question? A better answer? An answer that came with enthusiasm and verve?
“I work at a company that moved to a great new space downtown.”
“I work for a company where I know they care about what’s important to me.”
“I work for a company that moved to a prime location…in Capitol View.”
That’s what you want your employees to be able to say. And all it takes is for you to have the vision to move to Capitol View.
Most of us spend somewhere around 60% of our waking hours at work. That’s a lot of time to spend at a place you don’t really like. Today’s workforce is looking for a place to experience a different kind of life…not just a place to work. And that’s exactly what Capitol View delivers.
A true mixed-use upscale environment, Capitol View’s office spaces are surrounded by distinctive retail shops, restaurants, and residential options. This vibrant combination of offerings brings a new level of life into the work space. It’s location makes it easy to get to—through both highways and city streets—and once you’re there, there’s plenty of convenient and secured parking. There’s a 2.3-acre urban activity park where employees can exercise or just get outside for a while. That’s surrounded by a bikeway trail which is connected to the Nashville Greenway network of bike paths. And, the office space itself can be customized to your company’s needs inside efficient, LEED-certified buildings.
How do you want your employees to answer the question, “Where do you work?”
They could answer that question with some excitement and energy. Visit our Office page and complete the form to see how Capitol View can help you make that happen. And know that we will only communicate the information that you want and never share your information or send you those annoying spam messages.